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Truck Accident Claims

Personal Injury

When you are preparing to file a claim for a tractor trailer accident, you may be deterred for several reasons. You may be concerned that it will actually end up costing you money out of pocket, you may be concerned that you will end up only getting a low offer from the liable party’s insurance company, or you may be concerned that it will take too long to try to settle the claim. These are all valid concerns and if you are trying to file a claim on your own then it may be more likely that these end up happening. Instead, when the stakes are high and you are trying to recover from a tractor trailer accident, it is time to bring in lawyers who will fight on your behalf against the insurance company so that you can spend your time recovering and trying to get back to life as normal.

But the insurance company came back with an offer quickly! 

One of the biggest scams a person may face is getting an insurance settlement offer after an accident quickly. Especially when someone does not have a reliable lawyer by their side, they may be tricked into thinking this is not only the only offer they will get but it is the best offer they will get. Insurance agents are highly trained individuals who can make a low offer sound like a good one. Especially if you do not know your projected medical costs following a tractor trailer accident, you may truly not understand what ballpark your settlement offer should be in. You need to know what your costs have been up to this point and how they will affect you in the future.

When you want to be sure of what the damages are following your accident, it is best to work with a lawyer.

They will be able to comb through everything you are paying for and can anticipate what you will need to pay for in the future. If the settlement offer from the insurance company feels too quick following the accident, know that it probably is.

How can I make the settlement go quicker? 

One way you can ensure a smoother settlement is by seeking medical attention as promptly as possible following the tractor trailer accident. You should follow the treatment plan your doctor has outlined and this can help avoid any issues that may come up in terms of ignoring medical help. Avoiding court is also another way to ensure a quicker settlement. Your lawyer will not want to go to court under normal circumstances. Assuming the insurance company ends up offering a reasonable settlement, there is no need not to settle outside of court. However, if the insurance company is being unreasonable or disputing your injuries, your lawyer may need to prepare for court. Litigation will take longer, end up costing more, and may not end in your favor.

When you are ready to file a claim against the liable party’s insurance after a tractor trailer accident, call a legal team you know you can rely on. The sooner you set up your consultation, the sooner you will be set up for success.