3 Things to Do If You’re Pregnant and Have Just Been In a Car Accident

There are a lot of stressors that come with pregnancy. You don’t need a car accident to add to that, but they unfortunately happen regardless of how careful a pregnant woman might be. If you’ve just been in a car accident and are pregnant, there are three things you should be sure to do.

  1. Go to the Hospital

You might not think your injuries are life-threatening, and there’s even the possibility you don’t feel any negative effects as of yet. It’s still important you go to the hospital for an examination. Too often, there are pregnant women who don’t understand what can happen inside their bodies when they are injured, especially in something as serious as a car accident. Even a small fender bender could provide just enough force to separate the placenta from the uterus. While you may not personally feel any pain, it could be a life-threatening situation for your baby.

  1. Contact Your OB/GYN

Even though you’ll be given a thorough exam by the emergency room doctor, be sure you contact your OB/GYN to give him or her a rundown of what happened to you. He or she may want to examine you as well, conducting additional tests that the emergency room physician didn’t do. If the baby is in distress, you may be put on bedrest or could go into an emergency delivery. In any case, your own OB/GYN should be informed.

  1. Collect Evidence

If you think of it while you’re still at the scene of the accident, begin to collect evidence. If you can prove the other driver was at-fault, you’ll be able to seek a higher settlement from his or her insurance company. If you end up filing a lawsuit against the other party, that evidence will help you make your case. Some evidence includes photographs of the scene, as well as of your injuries and the damage done to your car. If anyone witnessed the accident, be sure you get a copy of contact information from everyone who could testify in your favor.

Get In Touch With an Attorney

One of your best friends will become a car accident attorney after you’re injured while pregnant. Whether you think the case is running smoothly, or you realize there has been an issue you need help with, a car accident attorney can assist you with the case.  Get in touch with a car accident lawyer, like the offices of MartinWren, P.C., to learn more about handling these situations.