If you were injured or suffered harm because of the care given by your medical provider, you may have grounds for a medical malpractice claim. A successful claim can result in receiving compensation for your damages. In some cases, this represents a significant settlement. However, should you decide to file a medical malpractice claim against your doctor, you will need to follow a number of steps in order for a court to hear your claim. These steps can be more easily accomplished with the help of a medical malpractice attorney who will assist clients in getting the compensation they deserve, often without having to go to court. This saves clients time, money, and stress. Regardless of whether a physician or a large medical corporation is at fault for the act of medical malpractice that harmed you, a good lawyer can represent your best interests.
Below are some of the steps involved in filing a claim against your provider. A medical malpractice attorney can guide you through the entire process.
- Talk to the medical provider who you believe committed medical malpractice when treating you. Filing a claim can be time consuming, frustrating, and end badly if it is not handled well or there is a lack of supporting evidence. In many instances, the situation can be resolved when the patient speaks directly to the healthcare provider who made the mistake. Because they will wish to avoid the time investment and expense of fighting a claim — and the potential damage to their reputation — many medical providers will make an effort to right their wrong and without charge to the patient. If the incident is not based on an actual medical mistake, speaking to the medical provider can clarify the situation.
- Contact the appropriate medical licensing board that governs the provider’s medical license. If the medical provider is incompetent, or is at risk for harming additional patients, the medical licensing board can investigate. If they determine that your claim has merit, they may choose to discipline the healthcare provider. However, they cannot force the provider to compensate you for your damages. That can be accomplished with the help of a medical malpractice lawyer representing you in a claim or lawsuit against the provider.
- Determine the statute of limitations on your medical malpractice claim. This is something that your medical malpractice lawyer can help you with. They can also determine where the claim must be submitted. Without these two vital pieces of information, your claim is subject to an immediate and irreversible denial.
Learn More About Your Legal Options
With the guidance provided by a seasoned medical malpractice lawyer, you will learn the full extent of your legal options and your best strategy for getting full compensation for your damages.